Headaches (Arising From The Neck / Back)

Headaches are so common that most of us have one every now and then. However, people often forget to stop and question … Is getting a headache normal? Does everyone get headaches?

Chiropractic may be effective in the treatment of headaches that are the result of problems arising from the neck (often referred to as a cervicogenic headache). These types of headache usually affect the base of the skull or one or both sides of the head and are usually dull and achy.

Migraine Prevention

Migraine is a severe headache usually accompanied by other symptoms such as increased sensitivity to light or sound, nausea or visual disturbances. Problems affecting the vertebrae (bones of the spine) in the neck can cause headaches and can be a contributory factor in migraines.

We can identify stiffness in the joints of the neck and by treating them, improve their movement which in turn relieves the muscle spasm and nerve  irritation that may be causing the problem.

The chiropractor will ask you questions as part of your medical history, which will include questions about the pain,  posture and lifestyle, will carry out a thorough examination to discover the cause of your neck pain and offer you a diagnosis of your complaint.

Then your treatment will begin, which may involve gentle, specific adjustments (the chiropractic word for manipulation) done by hand to help free stiff joints, which aims to remove spinal nerve irritation. This often restores the normal movement to the area and decreases pain. This effective drug-free treatment is generally painless.

Your chiropractor may utilise other techniques, such as mobilisation or stretching techniques, soft tissue massage or dry needling (a form of western acupuncture). The chiropractor may set specific exercises and advise you of any lifestyle changes.

Your treatment will be individually tailored to you but we have a firm belief that patients respond successfully to a ‘hands on’ approach combined with advice and exercises which reduce the risk of recurrence.