Mind Your Back When Gardening Or Doing DIY

Are you going to be gardening or doing some DIY this weekend? You need to mind your back, when you are gardening or doing DIY! As we begin our Easter weekend, the gardeners among us will be hoping for some dry and milder weather, as we haven’t had the best start this year!

Whether you are planning on some gardening or DIY, remember to warm up before you start. If you can, begin with the lighter jobs first. This reduces the likelihood of muscle strain.  If you are lifting anything such as a heavy plant pot, make sure you lift correctly. Try and get as near as you can to the object you are lifting. Stand directly in line with the object and do not twist.

Try not to bend for prolonged periods of time. You can kneel or squat to do the weeding or planting. A padded kneeler is invaluable to protect your knees and will be more comfortable. Conversely, if you are painting those skirting boards, padded trousers or a cushion will be better for your back than prolonged bending.

If you are pruning and trying to get to those hard to reach branches, or trimming the hedge, use a ladder or get as near to the plant as possible. The same advice can be carried out for DIY. If you are decorating, use a ladder rather than over reaching or an extension pole for ceiling work.

You are definitely better choosing two or three different tasks, then alternating between them. This varies the movements in the spine and prevents it seizing up.

Remember to take regular breaks. 20 to 30 minutes is about right but it depends on the task.

It’s often when people rush and don’t think it through, we get the phone call at our clinic after a bank holiday with an acute back issue.

Whether you’re in the garden of doing DIY, here is a video from the British Chiropractic Association on lifting and carrying advice.

For further information from some previous posts on Gardening and DIY advice. PLEASE Mind Your Back When Gardening Or Doing DIY.

Whatever you decide to do, have a fantastic Easter from all of us at Shrewsbury Chiropractic Clinic.


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